Name : Philippe Deroy
Nationality : Belgian
Death Fan since: 1993
Favourite Death Record : Human
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Zombie Ritual, Infernal Death, Evil Dead
- Leprosy : Leprosy, Pull the Plug, Open Casket
- Spiritual Healing : Spiritual Healing, Altering, Living
- Human : Cosmic Sea, Flattening, Vacant, Lack, Suicide, Together, Secret, See
- Individual Thought Patterns : Individual, Overactive, Trapped
- Symbolic : Crystal, Perennial, Symbolic
- The Sound of Perseverance : Flesh, A Moment, Scavenger
- Favourite Text passage : The philosopher. You now so much about nothing at all. Ideas that fall under shadows of theories that stand tall
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Sean Reinert
Favourite Death Tour : no favorite Death Tour
How often have you seen Death Live : 3
Best Death Concert : no favorite gig
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : CYNIC, Atheist, Pestilence, Meshuggah, Morgoth,......
Your opinion about Chuck : THE CREATOR
Your opinion about Death : The band which inspired the most my guitar playing. Always want to do better.
Name : Leandro Domingues
Nationality : Brazilian
Death Fan since: 1997
Favourite Death Record : Symbolic
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Infernal Death, Zombie Ritual, Evil Dead
- Leprosy : Leprosy, Left To Die, Pull The Plug
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Defensive Personalities, Spiritual Healing
- Human : Flattening Of Emotions, Together As One, Lack Of Comprehension
- Individual Thought Patterns : Overactive Imagination, Trapped In A Corner, Jealousy
- Symbolic : Symbolic, Without Judgement, 1000 Eyes
- The Sound of Perseverance : Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, Bite The Pain, To Forgive Is To Suffer
- Favourite Text passage : "I want to watch you drown in your lies, the end of your masquerade, A matter of time.."
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour : -
How often have you seen Death Live : 0
Best Death Concert : -
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Metallica (old), Megadeth (old), CORONER, Slayer, Testament
Your opinion about Chuck : Great musician, Talented, To sum up, An immortal legend in Metal History
Your opinion about Death : One of the best bands I've ever heard, and one of my main influences as a guitarist, Technical and Heavy, Fantastic band in general

Name : Augusto
Nationality : Brazilian
Death Fan since: 1998
Favourite Death Record : Individual Thought Patterns
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Sacrifacial, Zombie Ritual, Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy : Pull The Plug, Leprosy, Born Dead
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Defensive Personalities, Spiritual Healing
- Human : Lack Of Comprehension, Together As One, Flattening Of Emotions
- Individual Thought Patterns : Overactive Imagination, The Philosopher, Jealousy
- Symbolic : Without Judgement, Zero Tolerance, 1000 Eyes
- The Sound of Perseverance : Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, Bite The Pain, To Forgive Is To Suffer
- Favourite Text passage : "Together they absorb each others life, as one, they will live and they will die, a living hell, has begun"
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Andy LaRoque
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Sean
Favourite Death Tour : -
How often have you seen Death Live : 0
Best Death Concert : -
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Megadeth, Testament, Pantera, Slayer, Forbidden
Your opinion about Chuck : A complete musician, just great guy!
Your opinion about Death : Death KICKS ASS!!!!

Name : Markz Coelho
Nationality : Brazilian
Death Fan since: 1998
Favourite Death Record : Symbolic
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Zombie Ritual, Infernal Death, Evil Dead
- Leprosy : Pull The Plug, Leprosy, Born Dead
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Low Life, Spiritual Healing
- Human : Lack Of Comprehension, Secret Face, Suicide Machine
- Individual Thought Patterns : Overactive Imagination, The Philosopher, Trapped In A Corner
- Symbolic : Symbolic, Zero Tolerance, 1000 Eyes
- The Sound of Perseverance : Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, Bite The Pain, Spirit Crusher
- Favourite Text passage :
"Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes
To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension
Thriving on your cliche
Compelled by self-resentment
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour : -
How often have you seen Death Live : 0
Best Death Concert : -
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Control Denied, Cannibal Corpse, Metallica, Coroner, Nevermore
Your opinion about Chuck : He was a great musician and a great person
Your opinion about Death : THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!
Name : Joe Walker
Nationality : Canadian
Death Fan since: 2005
Favourite Death Record : Leprosy
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Regurgitated Guts, Baptized in Blood, Denial of Life
- Leprosy : Pull the Plug, Leprosy, Forgotten Past
- Spiritual Healing : Defensive Personalities, Spiritual Healing, Killing Spree
- Human : Lack of Comprehension, Cosmic Sea, See Through Dreams
- Individual Thought Patterns : Mentally Blind, Trapped in a Corner, The Philosopher
- Symbolic : Empty Words, Symbolic, Crystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance : Voice of the Soul, Spirit Crusher, Scavenger of Human Sorrow
- Favourite Text passage : "Life ends so fast, so take your chance and make
it last"

Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Andy LaRocque
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve Digiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Bill Andrews
Favourite Death Tour : Leprosy Tour
How often have you seen Death Live : None
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Morbid Angel, Slayer, Sepultura,
Possessed, Venom

Your opinion about Chuck : Greatest death metal musician, a person who I look up to. One of the only death metal musicians who wrote lyrics about human life. Amazing vocalist who also wrote lots of incredible songs on the guitar
Your opinion about Death : Most brutal sounding metal band ever.

Name : Jochen S.O.D
Born : 1974
Nationality : German
Death Fan since: 1988
(Webmaster of Humandeath)
Favourite Death Record : Human
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Zombie Ritual, Denial of Live, Baptized in Blood
- Leprosy : Leprosy, Pull the Plug, Chock on it
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Spiritual Healing, Genetic Reconstruction
- Human : Suicide Machine, Together as one, Lack of Comprehension
- Individual Thought Patterns : Overactive imagination, In human form, The Philosopher
- Symbolic : Zero Tolerance, Empty Words, Crystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance : Spirit Crusher, Story to tell, Flesh and the power it holds
- Favourite Text passage : This creature in human form is out of control
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Sean Reinert
Favourite Death Tour : Human
How often have you seen Death Live : 6x :-)
Best Death Concert : 10 Okt. 1993 (met Chuck Backstage - very cool)
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Slayer - Overkill - Anthrax - Cynic
Your opinion about Chuck :
Für mich der beste Gitarrist den es ja gegeben hat - seine Größe wird niemand erreichen - auch nach seinem Tod wird er unvergesslich bleiben. Ein großartiger Mensch der meistens falsch eingeschätzt wurde und dem oft unrecht getan wurde - aber er ist immer wieder aufgestanden und hat mit seiner Musik zurückgeschlagen.
Your opinion about Death :
Eine Band die mit ihrer Musik Geschichte geschrieben haben - 7 Alben die sich kontinuierlich gesteigert haben - Death ist die einzigste Metal Band die kein schlechtes Album abgeliefert hat. Dieses sind alles Meilensteine für die Ewigkeit. Diese Größe und Genialität wird keine andere Band je erreichen.

Name : Thorsten Günter
Nationality : German
Death Fan since: 1990
Favourite Death Record : Spiritual Healing
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Zombie Ritual, Denial of Live, Baptized in Blood
- Leprosy : Leprosy, Pull the Plug, Chock on it
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Spiritual Healing, Genetic Reconstruction
- Human : Suicide Machine, Together as one, Lack of Comprehension
- Individual Thought Patterns : In human form, Mentally blind, The Philosopher
- Symbolic : Zero Tolerance, Empty words, Without Judgement
- The Sound of Perseverance : Spirit Crusher, Story to tell, Flesh and the power it holds
- Favourite Text passage : Producing a race of human machines, a new age of existence the world will see (Genetic reconstruction)
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Shannon Hamm
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Dean Reinert
Favourite Death Tour : Human
How often have you seen Death Live : 4x
Best Death Concert : 18.12.1991 Stuttgart - Longhorn
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Slayer, Iron Maiden, Pantera, Testament, Sepultura
Your opinion about Chuck :
Kenne Chuck nur von Interviews im TV und hatte einmal kurz die Gelegenheit ihm persönlich gegenüber zu stehen als er mir 1991 ein Autogramm auf einem Konzert in der RoFa gab. Bei diesem Ereignis machte er einen lockeren und freundlichen Eindruck, wie auch in den Interviews im TV. Er hatte eine Vision die er lebte und dabei viel zu wenig Beachtung und Unterstützung erhalten. Was eigentlich sehr schade war, bei einer solchen Ausnahmeperson.
Your opinion about Death :
Chuck = Death - Es ist ja bekannt, dass er sich immer die besten Leute für seine Alben an Land zog, um so zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt das Beste herauszuholen. Was aber dazu führte, dass nie eine feste Band zustande kam und was vielleicht viele davon abgehalten hat Death Fan zu sein. Ich selbst finde die Art wie Chuck seine Alben produziert hat, eben mit diesem Best of Ensemble, klasse !!!!

Name : Holger Bals
Nationality : German
Death Fan since : 1984
Favourite Death Record : The Demos, old Livetapes, Scream Bloody Gore
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Baptized in Blood, Evil Dead, Mutilation
- Leprosy : Choke on it, Pull the Plug, Forgotten Past
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Spiritual Healing, Altering the Future
- Human : Lack of Comprehension, Flattening of Emotions, Together as one
- Individual Thought Patterns : Jealousy, In Human Form, The Philosopher
- Symbolic : Crystal Mountain, 1000 Eyes, Symbolic
- The Sound of Perseverance : Painkiller, Scavenger of Human Sorrow, Spirit Crusher
- Favourite Text passage : Chuck’s Green Tampon Story
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Rick Rozz, Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve Digiorgio, Terry Butler
Favourite Death Drummer : Kam Lee, Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live : 2 (much more on video)
Best Death Concert : 30.12.1984 Brandon Florida
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Nocturnus, Massacre, Cynic, Slaughter, Morbid Angel
Your opinion about Chuck : One of the „formers„ of Death Metal. Give praise!!
Your opinion about Death : The best „Death„ was 1984 - Evil Chuck , Kam Lee and Rick Rozz

Name : Stephan Rudolph
Nationality : Deutsch
Death Fan since: 1986
Favourite Death Record : Leprosy
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Infernal Death, Zombie Ritual, Mutilation
- Leprosy : Leprosy, Pull The Plug, Born Dead
- Spiritual Healing : Spiritual Healing, Living Monstrosity, Low Life
- Human : Lack Of Comprehension, Suicide Machine, Flattening Of Emotions
- Individual Thought Patterns : Trapped in A Corner, The Philosopher, Overactive Imagination
- Symbolic : 1.000 Eyes, Crystal Mountain, Zero Tolerance
- The Sound of Perseverance : Spirit Crusher, Flesh And The Power It Holds, Scavenger Of Human Sorrow
- Favourite Text passage :
Once I had full control of my life,
I now behold a machine decides my fate
End it now, it's all too ... LATE
(Pull The Plug)
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Rick Rozz (obwohl er keine Gitarre spielen kann
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve Digiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour : Human Tour
How often have you seen Death Live : 5x
Best Death Concert : Düsseldorf, Leprosy Tour (mein 1. Death – Concert)
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Bolt Thrower, Motörhead, Napalm Death, Summoning, Omen
Your opinion about Chuck :
Ein Mensch, der immer das Maximale erreichen wollte. Auch wenn er dabei manchmal über das Ziel hinausschoß (oder vielleicht auch gerade deshalb), hat er Musik gemacht, die absolut perfekt und richtungsweisend ist. Das lag wohl auch daran, daß für ihn immer die Musik und weniger das Image im Vordergrund stand.
Your opinion about Death :
Mit ihren Debut-Alben waren Death und Possessed die Wegbereiter des Death-Metal.. Nur haben sich Death von Album zu Album immer weiter entwickeln und sich kontinuierlich an der Spitze der Szene halten können. Das macht sie unvergeßlich. Eine weise Entscheidung war, das Control Denied-Album unter einem anderen Band-Namen zu veröffentlichen.

Name : Marcel Brozeit
Nationality : German
Death Fan since: ca 1992
Favourite Death Record : Symbolic
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Zombie Ritual,Infernal Death,Evil Dead
- Leprosy : Pull the plug,Left to die,Leprosy
- Spiritual Healing : Defensive Personalities,Low Life,Killing Spree
- Human : Lack Of Comprehension,See through dreams,Suicide Mashine
- Individual Thought Patterns : Trapped in a corner,The Philosopher,Overactive Imagination
- Symbolic : 1000 Eyes,Symbolic,Crystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance : Spirit Chrusher,Voice of the Soul,Scavenger of human sorrow
- Favourite Text passage : Empty words(standing on your own,and see what is real)
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Andy la rouque
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve D´Giorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :Leider nie
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Dissection,Suffocation,Cannibal Corpse,Immolation,Napalm Death.
Your opinion about Chuck : I love him
Your opinion about Death : Best Metal Band ever

Name : Torsten
Nationality : German
Death Fan since: 1989
Favourite Death Record : Leprosy
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Denial Of Life, Evil Dead, Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy : Leprosy, Pull The Plug, Choke On It
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Within The Mind, Spiritual Healing
- Human : Suicide Machine, Lack Of Comprehension, See Through Dreams
- Individual Thought Patterns : Jealousy, Destiny, The Philosopher
- Symbolic : Symbolic, Empty Words, Misanthrope
- The Sound of Perseverance : Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, Flesh And The Power It Holds, To Forgive Is To Suffer
- Favourite Text passage : ......there is no hope- WHY DON'T YOU
Favourite Death Guitar Player mbeside Chuck : James Murphy
Favourite Death Bass Player : Terry Butler
Favourite Death Drummer : Bill Andrews
Favourite Death Tour : Death mit Anacrusis in Berlin
How often have you seen Death Live : 4x
Best Death Concert : 08.10.1993 Berlin Huxleys Neue Welt
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : ICED EARTH, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Slayer, Kreator
Your opinion about Chuck :
Er war ein Genie seines Fachs.Er hat den Death Metal Sound geprägt der heute vielfach kopiert aber natürlich auch gehuldigt wird.Viele Bands würde es ohne dieses Orginal nicht geben.Chuck hat mit seinem Gitarrenspiel gezeigt das auch in diesem Genre musikalische Qualität durchsetzbar ist. Der Mann ist einfach zu Früh von uns gegangen............R.I.P. !!!!!
Your opinion about Death :
Eine Band die es verdient hat gehört zu werden.Es kommt kein Death Metal Fan an dieser Band vorbei. Geballte Power und Agressivität inclusive. Eigentlich gibt es nicht mehr viel über Death zu berichten , denn man muß sie kennen.Egal in welcher Besetzung sie gespielt haben,mich haben sie immer überzeugt. Wobei ich sagen muß das mir persönlich die älteren Scheiben am besten gefallen.

Name : Matthias Matanovic
Nationality : German
Death Fan since: 2001
Favourite Death Record : Symbolic
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Infernal Death, Zombie Ritual, Evil Dead
- Leprosy : Leprosy, Born Dead, Open Casket
- Spiritual Healing : Within the Mind, Genetic Reconstruction, Killing Spree
- Human : Suicide Machine, Together As One, Lack of Comprehension
- Individual Thought Patterns : Overactive Imagination, Trapped In A Corner, The Philospher
- Symbolic : Empty Words, 1000 Eyes, Perennial Quest
- The Sound of Perseverance : Scavanger of Human Sorrow, Spirit Crusher, A Moment of Clarity
- Favourite Text passage : There are many... especially Within the Mind, Symbolic and Perennial Quest - the whole lyrics!
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Hmmm...Bobby Koelble
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour : None
How often have you seen Death Live : Never :(
Best Death Concert : None
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Slayer, Metallica, Korn, Soilwork, Entombed
Your opinion about Chuck : The God of Death Metal Guitarplaying and Lyrics !
Your opinion about Death : This Band just ruled...every Album...

Name : Henning Tillmann
Nationality : Deutsch
Death Fan since: 2002
Favourite Death Record : The Sound Of Perseverance
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore : Torn To Pieces, Zombie Ritual, Evil Dead
- Leprosy :  Leprosy, Pull The Plug, Open Casket
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Defensive Personalities, Spiritual Healing   
- Human : Lack Of Comprehension, Flattening Of Emotions, Together As One
- Individual Thought Patterns : The Philosopher, In Human Form, Trapped In A Corner
- Symbolic : Misanthrope, 1,000 Eyes, Crystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance : Spirit Crusher, Flesh And The Power It Holds, A Moment Of Clarity
- Favourite Text passage :
Laying your guilt and pain
On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve diGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour : k.A.
How often have you seen Death Live : 0
Best Death Concert : -
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Iced Earth, Metallica & viele andere, die ich aber nicht unbedingt als Lieblingsbands bezeichnen würde.
Your opinion about Chuck :
Sicherlich einer der genialsten Songwriter und Gitarristen überhaupt. In ihm steckte eine Menge Potential.
Your opinion about Death :
Leider oder zum Glück wurde die Musik nie ansatzweise kommerzialisiert, was besser für die Musik an sich ist, aber leider nicht für Chuck. Die Entwicklung vom Dead By Metal Demo bis zur Perseverance sind unbeschreiblich, selten, dass sich eine Band so weiter- und nicht zurückentwickelt. 

Name : xxSilkexx
Nationality : German
Death Fan since: 1992
Favourite Death Record : Human
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Regurgiated Guts, Sacrifical,Zombie Ritual
- Leprosy : Leprosy, Left To Die, Pull The Plug
- Spiritual Healing : Living Monstrosity, Within The Mind, Spiritual Healing
- Human : Suicide Machine, Lack of Comprehension, Cosmic Sea
- Individual Thought Patterns : Nothing Is Everything, Out of Touch, The Philosopher
- Symbolic : Misanthrope, 1,000 Eyes, Crystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance : Spirit Crusher, Story To Tell, Voice Of The Soul
- Favourite Text passage : The End Of A Time, A Time To Begin
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : James Murphy
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve diGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour : Siehe " Best Death Concert"
How often have you seen Death Live : 4 x
Best Death Concert : 08.10.1993 Berlin - Huxleys
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Kreator, Death *andächtig guck* , Slayer, Obituary und Sepultura (natürlich nur in alter Besetzung !)
Your opinion about Chuck :
 Chuck "war" eine starke, grossartige und revolutionierende Persönlichkeit
Your opinion about Death :
 Kultband !!!

Name : Ralf Gerdes
Nationality : German
Death fan since: The beginning
Favourite Death Record : Leprosy
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Mutilation, Evil Dead, Beyond The Unholy Grave
- Leprosy : Born Dead, Left To Die, Pull The Plug
- Spiritual Healing : Altering The Future, Spiritual Healing,Living Monstrosity
- Human : Suicide Machine, Together as one, Lack of Comprehension
- Individual Thought Patterns : In Human Form, The Philosopher,Trapped In A Corner
- Symbolic : Symbolic, Zero Tolerance, Chrystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance : Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, Spirit Crusher, Flesh And The Power It Hold
- Favourite Text passage :
..You Will Not Return Alive -Left To Die
.. Suffering Until The End - Left To Die
Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Andy LaRocque
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve Digiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Mr. Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour : Human
How often have you seen Death Live : 3 times
Best Death Concert : 02.10.95 Osnabrück with Benediction
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : mMaiden, Priest, Immortal, Deicide, Mercyful Fate
Your opinion about Chuck :
Sometimes the words “only the good die young” become real….
Your opinion about Death :
Wohl eine der wenig Bands die nicht ein einziges schlechtes Album veröffentlich haben
Name : Leon Makepeace
Nationality : English
Death Fan since: 2001
Favourite Death Record :Leprosy
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Infernal Death, Denial Of Life, Zombie Ritual
- Leprosy :Pull The Plug, Open Casket, Leprosy
- Spiritual Healing :Killing Spree, Low Life, Spiritual Healing
- Human :Together As One, Lack Of Comprehension, Suicide Machine
- Individual Thought Patterns :The Philosopher, Trapped In A Corner, Mentally Blind
- Symbolic :Empty Words, Crystal Mountain, Zero Tolerance
- The Sound of Perseverance :Flesh And The Power It Holds, Spirit Crusher, Scavenger Of Human Sorrow
- Favourite Text passage :"There is no hope, WHY DON'T YOU???"
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck :Rick Rozz
Favourite Death Bass Player :Steve DiGiogio
Favourite Death Drummer :Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour :Never seen one *sob*
How often have you seen Death Live :Never *sob again*
Best Death Concert :Wouldn't know...
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :Megadeth, Lawnmower Deth, Nuclear Assault, Helloween, Slayer
Your opinion about Chuck :GENIUS!! Rest in peace man!!!
Your opinion about Death :Best death metal band ever, exellently written songs

Name : Henri
Nationality : Estonian
Death Fan since: 1990
Favourite Death Record :"Infernal Death" demo 1985
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
- Leprosy :
- Spiritual Healing :
- Human :
- Individual Thought Patterns :
- Symbolic :
- The Sound of Perseverance :
- Favourite Text passage :Corpse grinding DEATH METAL!
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Favourite Death Drummer :
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Your opinion about Chuck :
Very respectable man, one of the originators of Death Metal!!!!
Your opinion about Death :
They started it all!!!


Name : Rikhard Storbacka
Nationality : Finland
Death Fan since: 2000
Favourite Death Record :Symbolic
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
 - Scream Bloody Gore : Zombie Ritual, Evil Dead, Denial of life
- Leprosy : Pull the Plug, Open Casket, Leprosy
- Spiritual Healing : Low Life, Living Monstrosity, Altering the Future
- Human : Lack of Comprehension, Suicide machine, Flattering of emotions
- Individual Thought Patterns : Trapped in a corner, Philosopher, Overactive imagination
- Symbolic : Symbolic, Sacred Serenity, Without Judgement
- The Sound of Perseverance : Scavenger of human sorrow, Story to tell, Voice of the soul
- Favourite Text passage :"There is no hope, why don't you..."
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck : Andy LaRocque
Favourite Death Bass Player : Svere DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Gene Holglan
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :Nop
Best Death Concert : Live in Eindhoven
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Kosarn, Slayer, The Haunted, Testament, At the Gates 
Your opinion about Chuck : Genious
Your opinion about Death : The band of all time

Name : Niklas Högnabba
Nationality : Finland
Death Fan since: 2002
Favourite Death Record :Individual
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Zombie Ritual
- Leprosy :Pull the plug, choke on it,born dead
- Spiritual Healing :Low life, living monstrosity
- Human :Suicide machine, together as one, lack of comprehension
- Individual Thought Patterns :Philosopher, overactive imagination, trapped in a corner
- Symbolic :Crystal mountain, symbolic, empty words
- The Sound of Perseverance :Flesh and the power, voice of the soul, painkiller
- Favourite Text passage :
Pro-long the pain, how long will it laast, suicide macine, a request to die with dignity, is that to much to ask, suicide macine
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck :Andy LaRocque
Favourite Death Bass Player :Svere DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :Gene Holglan
Favourite Death Tour :Live in LA
How often have you seen Death Live :never
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :Slayer, King Diamond, At The Gates, Children of bodom, Dark Tranquillity
Your opinion about Chuck :Kick ass singer, guitar player, song writer
Your opinion about Death :!!!!! DEATH
Name : Philippe Delpierre
Age : 27
Nationality : France
Death Fan since : 1987
Favourite Death Record :Leprosy
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Zombie Ritual, Evil dead, Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy :Open casket, Left to die, Pull the Plug
- Spiritual Healing :Living Monstrosity, Spiritual Healing, Within the Mind
- Human :Lack Of Comprehension, Together as one, Suicide Machine
- Individual Thought Patterns :The Philosopher, Overactive Imagination, Mentally Blind
- Symbolic :Zero Tolerance, Without Judgement, Misanthrope
- The Sound of Perseverance :Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, Bite The Pain, Spirit Crusher
- Favourite Text passage :"Together they absorb each others life, as one, they will live and they will die, a living hell, has begun"
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck :Andy LaRocque
Favourite Death Bass Player :Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour :Metal for the masses tour (Symbolic)
How often have you seen Death Live :5 (Spitriual, individual, symbolic (2), sound)
Best Death Concert :Metal to the masses in Paris in 1995, my brother bands open this night, all my journey in backstage with chuck and the band.
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :Monstrosity, Vader, Nile, Immolation, Deeds of flesh
Your opinion about Chuck :THE Human Conception, simply the best, a great person
Your opinion about Death :The best metal band in a world. For ever.

no Pic
Name : Alex
Age : 22
Nationality : France
Death Fan since : 1998
Favourite Death Record :Symbolic
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Zomi Ritual, Evil Dead, Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy :Open casket, Choke on it, Pull the Plug
- Spiritual Healing :Low life, Genetic Reconstruction, Killing Spree
- Human :Lack Of Comprehension, Secret Face, Suicide Machine
- Individual Thought Patterns :The Philosopher, Destiny, Trapped in a Corner
- Symbolic :Crystal Mountain, Empty Words, 1000Eyes
- The Sound of Perseverance :Moment of clarity, To forgive is to Suffer, Bit the Pain
- Favourite Text passage :Leprosy will take control and bring you to your Death
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck :James Murphy
Favourite Death Bass Player :Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :Sean Reinert
Favourite Death Tour :-
How often have you seen Death Live :none
Best Death Concert :-
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :Slayer, Opeth, Amorphis, Fear Factory and the Metallica from the 80th
Your opinion about Chuck :A big guitarist
Your opinion about Death :Wonderfull

my Tattoo
Name : Alexander LAURENT
Age : 25
Nationality : French
Death Fan since : 1995
Favourite Death Record :Symbolic
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Zomi Ritual, Evil Dead, Mutilation
- Leprosy :Open casket, Leprosy, Pull the Plug
- Spiritual Healing :Living monstruosity ; Altering the future ; Spiritual Healing
- Human :Secret Face ; Lack of comprehension ; Vacant planet
- Individual Thought Patterns :Overactive Imagination ; Jealousy ; Traped In a corner
- Symbolic :ALL !!!!!!!!
- The Sound of Perseverance :Bite the pain ; Spirit crusher ; Flesh and…
- Favourite Text passage :
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck :Boby KOEBLE / Shanon HAMM
Favourite Death Bass Player :Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :Gene HOGLAN / Richard CHRISTY
Favourite Death Tour :Symbolic 1995
How often have you seen Death Live :Never !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :Dream Theataer ; Symphony X ; Cannibal Corpse ; Iron Maiden ; Kreator
Your opinion about Chuck :The beast Guitar Player !!!!
Your opinion about Death :The beat Band !!!!!

Name : MAGNANOU Julien
Age : 17
Nationality : French
Death Fan since : 2001
Favourite Death Record :Individual Thought Patterns
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Zombie Ritual, Regurgitated Guts, Infernal Death
- Leprosy :Leprosy, Open Casket, Pull The Plug
- Spiritual Healing :Killing Spree, Living Monstruosity, Within the Mind
- Human :Suicide Machine, Lack of Comprehension, Cosmic Sea
- Individual Thought Patterns :In Human Form, Jealousy, Overactive Imagination
- Symbolic :Empty Words, Crystal Mountaint, Sacred Serenity
- The Sound of Perseverance :Bite the Pain, Spirit Crusher, Scavenger of Human Sorrow
- Favourite Text passage :"Prolong the pain, how long will it last ? Suicide Machine ! A request to die with dignity, is that too much too ask? Suicide Ma... CHINE !!!!
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck :Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player :Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :Gene Holgan
Favourite Death Tour :I don't know (sigh)...
How often have you seen Death Live :NEVER ARRRHGHHHGH! !!!
Best Death Concert :you're torturing me or what??? :-p
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :Carcass, Atheist, Cynic, Kreator, Control Denied (and so much more...)
Your opinion about Chuck :My spiritual Father. He "learnt" me to play the guitar with his songs
Your opinion about Death :Errr... absolutely unbelievable... it's always about the best to go away first... RIP Chuck, God Father of Death Metal
Name : Jannis
Age : 20
Nationality : griechisch
Death Fan since: 1998
Favourite Death Record : Symbolic
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :Scream Bloody Gore :Zombie Ritual , Baptized in Blood , Mutilation
- Leprosy :Leprosy , Pull the Plug , Open Casket
- Spiritual Healing :Spiritual Healing , Alterning the Future , Killing Spree
- Human : Suicide Machine, Secret Face, Cosmic Sea
- Individual Thought Patterns :Individual Thought Patterns , Trapped in a corner , The Philosopher
- Symbolic :Zero Tolerance , Empty Words , Symbolic
- The Sound of Perseverance :Scavenger of Human Sorrow , Painkiller , Bite the Pain
- Favourite Text passage : Deep inside in the world of empty words

Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck :
Bobby Koelble
Favourite Death Bass Player :Steve Digiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour : Sound of Perseverance
How often have you seen Death Live :1x
Best Death Concert :Live in Music Hall 98 - Köln
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : Cryptopsy , Kreator , Iron Maiden , Dismember, Emperor
Your opinion about Chuck :Vorbild in der Metalszene und einer der besten Gitarristen
Your opinion about Death :die beste Metalband

Age : 23
Nationality : Greece
Death Fan since: 1990
Favourite Death Record :Leprosy
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
 - Scream Bloody Gore :Zombie Ritual,Evil Dead,Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy :Born Dead,Open Casket,Forgotten past
- Spiritual Healing :Low life,Genetic Reconstruction,Altering the Future
- Human : Together as one,Cosmic Sea,Secret Face
- Individual Thought Patterns :Trapped in a Corner,The Philosopher,In Human Form
- Symbolic :Zero tolerance,1000 Eyes,Crystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance :Flesh and the power it holds,Spitit Crusher,Voice of the Soul
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck : Rick Rozz, James Murphy
Favourite Death Bass Player :Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :Gene Goglan
How often have you seen Death Live :Once - sound of perseverance tour
Best Death Concert :favourite death tour the same i saw in greece
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : NAPALM DEATH , ATHEIST,CARCASS,GRAVE,ASPHYX
Your opinion about Chuck :he was a briliant musician ,he was everything for death music he loved as his life death metal music
Name : Alireza Aminian
Age : 27
Nationality : Iran
Death Fan since: 1990
Favourite Death Record :Individual Thought Patterns
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
 - Scream Bloody Gore :Zombie Ritual, Scream Bloody Gore, Evil Dead
- Leprosy :Chock on it, Left To Die, Pull The Plug
- Spiritual Healing :Genetic Reconstruction, Low Life, Defensive Personalities
- Human : Suicide Machine, Together As One ,Lake Of Comprehension and let me write another Cosmic See
- Individual Thought Patterns :All but I love Trapped In A Corner
- Symbolic :Symbolic, Misanthrope, Without Judgment,……
- The Sound of Perseverance :A Moment Of Clarity, Spirit Crusher, To Forgive Is To Suffer
Favourite Death Guitar Playerbeside Chuck : James Murphy
Favourite Death Bass Player :Exclusive STEVE DIGIOGIO
Favourite Death Drummer :Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour : Unfuckin’fortunatly I’ve never been
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert : 5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death : NAPALM DEATH,DESULTORY,CORONER,GOREFEST
Your opinion about Chuck :He was from beyond and hi is .
Your opinion about Death :Death never Dies.
Name : Vincenzo Chioccarelli
Age : 20
Nationality : Italy
Death Fan since: 1999
Favourite Death Record :
The Sound Of Perseverance
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Evil Dead - Zombie Ritual - Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy :
Pull The plug - Leprosy - Choke on it
- Spiritual Healing :
Living monstrosity - Altering the future - Spiritual healing
- Human :
Lack of comprehension - secret face - see through dreams
- Individual Thought Patterns :
The philosopher - Overactive Imagination - Trapped in a Corner
- Symbolic :
symbolic - empty words - crystal mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Voice of the soul - scavenger of human sorrow - flesh and the power it holds
- Favourite Text passage :
"Symbolic acts, so vivid, yet at the same time, were invisible" and many others
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
none :(
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Sepultura, Slayer
Your opinion about Chuck :
he's great
Your opinion about Death :

Kein Bild :-(
Name : Flavio
Age : 19
Nationality : Italy
Death Fan since: 2001
Favourite Death Record :
Human-Individual..-Symbolic- The Sound
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Evil Dead
- Leprosy :
Leprosy-Born Dead-Pull The Plug
- Spiritual Healing :
Living Monstrosity-Spiritual Healing-Killing Spree
- Human :
Lack Of Comprehension-Together As One-Flattering Of Emotions
- Individual Thought Patterns :
In Human Form-Trapped In A Corner-Mentally Blind
- Symbolic :
Crystal Mountain-1,000 Eyes-Symbolic
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow-Flesh And The Power It Holds-Voice Of The Soul
- Favourite Text passage :

Destiny is what we all seek-Destiny was waiting for you and me

Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
James Murphy in general, but not for Spiritual Healing
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Sean Reinert
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
0000000000000, I'm sorry, only in videoclips
Best Death Concert :
(acording to my video bootlegs: Michigan 12.07.1988)
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Testament-Slayer-old Metallica-Arch Enemy,death/trash/swedish......
Your opinion about Chuck :
Your opinion about Death :

Name : Ross Vitale
Age : 19
Nationality : Italian
Death Fan since: 2001
Favourite Death Record :
Scream Bloody Gore
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Regurgitated Guts, Zombie Ritual, Baptized in Blood
- Leprosy :
Pull the Plug, Born Dead, Open Casket
- Spiritual Healing :
Living Monstrosity, Altering the Future, Genetic Reconstruction
- Human :
Suicide Machine, Lack of Comprehension, See Through Dreams
- Individual Thought Patterns :
The Philosopher, Individual Thought Patterns, In Human Form
- Symbolic :
Zero Tolerance, Crystal Mountain, Empty Words
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Spirit Crusher, Scavenger of Human Sorrow, Painkiller
- Favourite Text passage :
Suicidal Preacher Hangs Himself, Unfaithful Servant Goes Straight to Hell
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Bobby Koeldle
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve Digiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Chris Reifert
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Slayer, Guns N’ Roses, Danzig, Anthrax and Judas Priest
Your opinion about Chuck :
Your opinion about Death :

Name : Luca
Age : 25
Nationality : Italian
Death Fan since: 1993
Favourite Death Record :
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Evil Dead,Baptized In Blood,Zombie Ritual
- Leprosy :
Open Casket,Pull The Plug,Leprosy
- Spiritual Healing :
Altering The Future,Spiritual Healing,Low Life
- Human :
Lack....,Secret Face,Suicide Machine
- Individual Thought Patterns :
- Symbolic :
- The Sound of Perseverance :
- Favourite Text passage :
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Paul Masvidale
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve Digiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
forever :)
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Your opinion about Chuck :
Your opinion about Death :
The band who open my mind,that send to me joy and adrenaline :)

Name: Dario Orecchia
Age: 23
Nationality: Italy
Death Fan since: 1999
Favourite Death Record :
The Sound Of Perseverance
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Evil Dead - Baptized In Blood - Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy :
Pull The plug - Open Casket - Left To Die
- Spiritual Healing :
Living monstrosity - Defensive Personalities - Spiritual healing
- Human :
Flattening Of Emotions - Together As One - See Through Dreams
- Individual Thought Patterns :
The Philosopher - Overactive Imagination - Out Of Touch
- Symbolic :
Without Judgement - 1000 Eyes - Sacred Serenity
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow - To Forgive Is To Suffer - A Moment Of Clarity
- Favourite Text passage :
"Life will never be the same, Death can can never be explained, It's their time to go beyond, Empty feeling when they're gone"
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert :
Live in Eindhoven
5 Favourite Metal Bands beside Death :
Control Denied, Iron Maiden, Vintersorg, Opeth, MayDie
Your opinion about Chuck :
Great person, musical genius
Your opinion about Death :
My favourite band and one of the main inspiration for my band, MayDie (
Nationality : MAURITIUS
Death Fan since: 1991
Favourite Death Record :
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
- Leprosy :
- Spiritual Healing :
- Human :
- Individual Thought Patterns :
- Symbolic :
- The Sound of Perseverance :
- Favourite Text passage :
Beware of the sharped edge weapon called human being
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Paul Masvidal
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Your opinion about Chuck :
Your opinion about Death :

Name : Javed M
Nationality : MAURITIUS
Death Fan since: 1999
Favourite Death Record :
Sound of Perseverance
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
- Leprosy :
- Spiritual Healing :
- Human :
- Individual Thought Patterns :
- Symbolic :
Crystal mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Bite the pain, Spirit, Crucher, Painkiller, Fragile Art of Existence
- Favourite Text passage :
I will not feed your hunger, instead I bite the pain.
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Favourite Death Drummer :
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Dio, Immortal, Hammerfall, Godgory, Stratovarius
Your opinion about Chuck :
I just love his lyrics
Your opinion about Death :
The symbol of perseverance
Name : David Velez Contreras
Nationality : Mexico
Death Fan since: 1998
Favourite Death Record :
Sound Of Perseverance
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Zombie Ritual,Scream Bloody Gore,Baptized In Blood
- Leprosy :
Leprosy,Pull the Plug,Open Casket
- Spiritual Healing :
Genetic Reconstruction,Spiritual Healing, Altering The Future
- Human :
Lack Of Comprehesion,Flattening Of Emotions,Suicide Machine
- Individual Thought Patterns :
Overactive Imagination,The Philosopher,In Human Form
- Symbolic :
Symbolic,Perennial Quest,Sacred Serenity
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Spirit Crusher,Scavenger Of Human Sorrow,Story to Tell
- Favourite Text passage :
I close my eyes And sink within myself Relive the gift of precious memories In need of a fix called innocence When did it begin? the change to come was undetectable The open wounds expose the importance of Our innocence A high that can never be bought or sold Symbolic acts - so vivid Yet at the same time Were invisible
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Shannon Hamm
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve Di Giogio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour :
MMMMM without Comment
How often have you seen Death Live :
Without comment
Best Death Concert :
Live In Eindhoven
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Metallica,Megadeth,Children Of Bodom,Anthrax, Slayer
Your opinion about Chuck :
I have no words for my opinion
Your opinion about Death :
The best DEATH band In all world !!!!!
Name : Kevin Pasman
Nationality : Dutch
Death Fan since: 1998
Favourite Death Record :
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Evil Dead, Zombie Ritual, Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy :
Pull The Plug, Open Casket, Leprosy
- Spiritual Healing :
Spiritual Healing, Killing Spree, Living Monstrosity
- Human :
Lack Of Comprehension, Flattening Of Emotions, Cosmic Sea
- Individual Thought Patterns :
The Philosopher, Trapped In A Corner, Mentally Blind
- Symbolic :
Perennial Quest (all time favorite), Crystal Mountain, Empty Words
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Flesh And The Power It Holds, Voice Of The Soul, Story To Tell
- Favourite Text passage :
"If I was paid for disappointments I would be a wealthy man" (I'm sorry, it's from Control Denied, but these are my favorite lyrics from Chuck)
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Shannon Hamm
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour :
The Sound Of Perseverance
How often have you seen Death Live :
Only once
Best Death Concert :
The one at the Whiskey A-GoGo (From the Live In L.A.-DVD) is the best I've seen
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Control Denied (of course!), Wicked Mystic, Iced Earth, OverKill, Nuclear Assault
Your opinion about Chuck :
Chuck was and still is my biggest influence when it comes to composing songs and he will be until I die, I'm almost finished composing the album for my project Crimson Assault, and once I've found two guitarists (isn't Shannon Hamm available? ;)) I will carry out Chuck's memory! The song 'Behind The Ruins' will be for him.
Your opinion about Death :
I never was a big Death Metal fan, so I never really got into the first two albums, but everything that got released later was absolutely great! Especially 'Human' and 'Symbolic' are wonderful. Control Denied is even better, 'The Fragile Art Of Existance' is the best record I have in my collection!


Name : Tomasz Dziekonski
Nationality : Poland
DEATH fan since:2001

Favourite Death Record :
All DEATH records are great
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Evil Dead,Torn To Pieces,Scream Bloody Gore
- Leprosy :
Leprosy,Pull the Plug,Primitive Ways
- Spiritual Healing :
Spiritual Healing,Living Monstrosity,Altering the Future
- Human :
Lack of Comprehension,Secret Face,ogheter as One
- Individual Thought Patterns :
Destiny,The Philosopher,Mentally Blind
- Symbolic :
Empty Words,Symbolic,1000 eyes
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Scavenger of Human Sorrow,Voice of the Soul,Painkiller
- Favourite Text passage :
these four words my friend i promise you will not forge
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
James Murphy
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Pestilence,Carcass,Control Denied,Cynic,Voodocult
Your opinion about Chuck :
Metal GOD
Your opinion about Death :
they fucking rulez!!!!!!!!!!

Name : Anthony
Age : 20 (1983)
Nationality : Polish
Death Fan since: 1997

Favourite Death Record :
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Infernal Death, Evil Dead, Beyond the Unholy Grave
- Leprosy :
Leprosy, Left to Die, Open Casket
- Spiritual Healing :
Within the Mind, Spiritual Healing, Low Life
- Human :
Together as One, Lack of Comprehension, Cosmic Sea
- Individual Thought Patterns :
Overactive Imagination, Trapped in a Corner, Destiny
- Symbolic :
Zero Tolerance, Empty Words, Perennial Quest
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Scavenger of Human Sorrow, Story to Tell, Voice of the Soul
- Favourite Text passage :
Time stands still as you pass away, no more tomorrow this is your last day.. on this fucking earth!!!
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
James Murphy
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour :
Leprosy tour
How often have you seen Death Live :
unfortunately only on videos, but loads of times ;)
Best Death Concert :
Santiago: 7.11.1998
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Immolation, Morbid Angel, Carcass, Atheist, early Malevolent Creation
Your opinion about Chuck :
One of the pioniers of death metal, a great instrumentalist and a person, who's only interests were death metal music and its fans, no fucking commerce, no million-dollar contracts.. true metalhead. May he rest in peace.
Your opinion about Death :
Without any doubt one of the best and most influential bands in death metal history, a very flexible band that changed its music throughout its carrier, but still always admired and appreciated.
Name : Dvinyanina, Irina
Nationality : Russian
Death Fan since: 1996
Favourite Death Record :
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Infernal Death, Baptized In Blood ,
- Leprosy :
Leprosy, Left To Die, Choke On It
- Spiritual Healing :
Altering The Future, Spiritual Healing,
Killing Spree
- Human :
Suicide Machine, See Through Dreams, Cosmic Sea
- Individual Thought Patterns :
Trapped In A Corner, Nothing Is
Everything, The Philosopher
- Symbolic :
Symbolic, Zero Tolerance, Perennial Quest
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, Flesh And
The Power It Holds, Voice Of The Soul
- Favourite Text passage :
Reality is what you feel
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Shannon Hamm
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Scott Clendenin
Favourite Death Drummer :
Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Your opinion about Chuck :
I base my life on text his song
Your opinion about Death :
Death is Chuck
Name : SIGRIST Julien
Nationality : Swiss
Death Fan since: 1998 (22.12)
Favourite Death Record :
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Zombie Ritual, Infernal Death, Baptized In Blood
- Leprosy :
Leprosy, Pull The Plug, Forgotten Past
- Spiritual Healing :
Spiritual Healing, Living Monstrosity, Within The Mind
- Human :
Together As One, Lack Of Comprehension, Flattening Of Emotions
- Individual Thought Patterns :
Jealousy, Trapped In A Corner, The Philosopher
- Symbolic :
Symbolic, Zero Tolerance, Crystal Mountain (it's hard to choose three songs, it was my first Death record...)
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow, Voice Of The Soul, Flesh And The Powers It Holds
- Favourite Text passage :

Sorry, but that's a too hard question. I really don't know what passage I prefere but it could be one of those songs:

Pull The Plug
Together As One
Flesh And The Power It Holds

Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Rick Rozz
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Terry Butler (for wearing a Slayer shirt on the Leprosy album!)
Favourite Death Drummer :
Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour :
see next question...
How often have you seen Death Live :
I never had the chance to see Death live
Best Death Concert :
(acording to my video bootlegs: Michigan 12.07.1988)
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
SLAYER, Possessed, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem, Rammstein (among others, many Black Metal bands...)
Your opinion about Chuck :
Excellent guitar player, excellent singer... he died too soon.
Your opinion about Death :
According to me, the second Death Metal band ever (I think Possessed was the first Death Metal band) but the first to become so big. A great band.
Name : Ricard G
Nationality : Spain
Death Fan since: 2001
Favourite Death Record : Invidual Thought Patterns

3 Favourite Songs of each Album :

- Scream Bloody Gore : Denial of life, Evil dead, Zombie ritual

- Leprosy : Born dead, Leprosy, Open casket

- Spiritual Healing : Within the mind, Altering the future, Living monstrosity

- Human : Lack of comprehension, Secret face, Suicide machine

- Individual Thought Patterns : Mentally blind, The Philosopher, Overactive imagination

- Symbolic : Empty words, Symbolic, Crystal mountain

- The sound of perseverance: Spirit Crusher, Voice of the soul, Flesh and the power it holds

-Favourite text passage: Like A Wind Upon Your Face, You Can't See It But You Know It's There

Favourite Death Guitar Player beside Chuck : Andy LaRoque
Favourite Death Bass Player : Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer : Gene Hoglan
Favourite Death Tour : Leprosy (bootlegs)
How often have you seen Death Live : 0
Best Death Concert : -

5 Favourite Metal Bands beside Death : Iron Maiden, Kreator, Obituary, Autopsy, Nile...
Your opinion about Chuck : The Philosopher
Your opinion about Death : G O D S

Name : Sean Jordan
Nationality : American
Death Fan since: 1996
Favourite Death Record :
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Beyond the Unholy Grave, Sacrificial, Zombie Ritual
- Leprosy :
Pull the Plug, Forgotten Past, Open Casket
- Spiritual Healing :
Defensive Personalities, Spiritual Healing, Low Life(Solos!)
- Human :
Flattening of Emotions, Together as One, See Through Dreams
- Individual Thought Patterns :
Jealousy, Trapped in a Corner, Mentally Blind
- Symbolic :
Zero Tolerance, 1000 Eyes, Crystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Story to Tell, Flesh and the Power it Holds, Voice of the Soul
- Favourite Text passage :
Close your eyes and imagine to be without What we take for granted every time we open our eyes
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Andy LaRocque
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Sein Reinert
Favourite Death Tour :
Scream Bloody Tour
How often have you seen Death Live :
Only once unfortunately
Best Death Concert :
November 14th 1998 - Coney Island High NY
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Iron Maiden, Carcass, OLD Metallica(R.I.P.), Sadus, Cynic
Your opinion about Chuck :
Greatest Metal musician of all time. Amazing, ahead of his time vocals with the low end growl and high pitched screams. Audible, intelligent, philosophical lyrics. Amazing riffs and solos and he always surrounded himself with other great musicians which helped to make the best records ever.
Your opinion about Death :
Greatest Metal band ever. They never made a load, a virtual xi or a risk, but they took many risks. They were always willing to push the boundaries of Death Metal. Individual Thought Patterns is a testament to that. It was unlike anything else available at the time. Yet it stayed 100% true to Metal. Nowadays, countless bands are influenced by Death records. They will never be forgotten. DEATH FOREVER!

Name : J. Adams
Nationality : American
Death Fan since: 1997
Favourite Death Record :
There all great
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Zombie Ritual, Baptized in blood & Scream Bloody gore
- Leprosy :
Leprosy, pull the plug and open casket
- Spiritual Healing :
Killing spree, within the mind, spiritual healing
- Human :
Suicide Machine, Together as one, Lack of Comprehension
- Individual Thought Patterns :
The Philosopher, Trapped in a corner, Mentally blind
- Symbolic :
Symbolic, Empty words, Crystal mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Scavenger of human sorrow, flesh and the power it holds, voice of the soul
- Favourite Text passage :
I want to watch you drown in your lies. The end of your masquerade, a matter of time. Intertwining lies, domination, control.
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Shannon hamm
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour :
Sound of perserverance tour
How often have you seen Death Live :
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Hypocrisy, Carcass, Control Denied, Iron Maiden, Armored Saint, Helloween, Manowar.
Your opinion about Chuck :
A God on guitar, a wonderfull artist, a really, really really nice guy -- a Insparation, with a unstopable will and determination
Your opinion about Death :
The best fucking band to ever exsist!!! also, a genius song continuity, killer rythem section and frantic beautifuly composed solos.

Name : Bruce Bouchard
Nationality : American/Canada
Death Fan since: ???
Favourite Death Record :
3 Favourite Songs of each Album :
- Scream Bloody Gore :
Zombie Ritual, Evil Dead, Infernal Death
- Leprosy :
Leprosy, pull the plug, Open casket
- Spiritual Healing :
Spiritual Healing, Living Monstrocity, Altering the Future
- Human :
Suicide Machine, Lack of Comprehension, Together as One
- Individual Thought Patterns :
Philosopher, Trapped in a Corner, Jealousy
- Symbolic :
Symbolic, Zero Tolerance, and Crystal Mountain
- The Sound of Perseverance :
Spirit Crusher, Flesh and the Power, Scavenger of Human Sorrow
- Favourite Text passage :
"It comes from the depths of a place where no one's told of...If it could, then it would, steal the sun and the moon from the sky... Beware! Spirit Crusher"
Favourite Death Guitar Player
beside Chuck :
Bobby Koelble
Favourite Death Bass Player :
Steve DiGiorgio
Favourite Death Drummer :
Richard Christy
Favourite Death Tour :
How often have you seen Death Live :
Never seen them live
Best Death Concert :
5 Favourit Metal Bands beside Death :
Slayer, King Diamond, Strapping Young Lad, Megadeth, Testament
Your opinion about Chuck :
Chuck is GOD!!! He motivates me to pick up my guitar each day... REST IN PEACE METAL BROTHER!!!
Your opinion about Death :